Being an Internet/Information junkie I love it when I stumble upon a new site. Especially when it’s a relationship site. Not only would I love to write for one, but I find them to be great inspiration. Kind of like Sex in the City in web page form. I recently found one such site . This may be my new guilty pleasure; especially when I come upon lists . You could call it “10 things about cat burglars” ( found recently on ) I want to know those 10 things. This particular list : “10 things that should never be in a Ladies bedroom” along with “10 things in a dude’s room” It made me remember my single days. These were on my list of “ewwwws”.
- Old Big Gulp cups, Pt 1. I once dated a guy who would fill one up and drink it for 2 days. I still shudder .
- Old Big Gulp cups, Pt 2. I hate it if I ask for a drink of water and I am served in a take out /convenience store cup. Real grown ups have real glass ware.
- The pile of laundry in the corner. It’s the weekend. you were hoping to get lucky. Me too. That’s why I cleaned my place. You never know.
- Empty alcohol bottles /Beer Pyramid on display. I drink. I have rarely turned down a party, even on a work night. I don’t want to think this is all you do . Don’t make me judge you on your empty bottle of Everclear or Makers Mark
- Condom wrappers. Please let me hold the belief that I am special. I don’t want to wonder how long that wrapper has been on your night stand. All I ask for is an empty spot to put my earrings!
- Leopard Print Anything! I once slept with a guy that had a leopard print comforter. I teased him mercilessly. To this day, anything tacky and leopard print gets called by his nickname. My husband still gets a a sick thrill out of this.
- Dead Plants. Nothing looks more pathetic.
- Anything your former flames have left behind. Do I have to explain this one?
- General Filth. Don’t make me run out the door before you have gotten me to the bedroom.
It’s the weekend. Who knows what will happen. But treat your place like you do yourself. Clean, buff and polish. I did.
Here is a big shocker: I don’t believe in God. I don’t believe in religion. I also do not believe in censorship. While the disbelief in censorship is no surprise, my disbelief in god surprises people. The next question I get after “coming out” as an Atheist is “What DO you believe?”
There is no short answer. There are many things I believe and hold sacred, sort of like voodoo. Each Atheist searches their self and comes up with their own answers. Often it is this search that leads to their rejection of the religion of their early years. This also leads them to the classification of their sacred symbols and holy places. Because each one of is us is different , mine may be different than another Atheist.
I believe in the genuine goodness of people. I have faith that given the chance, they will do the right thing. I believe that we should all take care of each other. The good that we put out comes back. I believe together , we have the power within ourselves to do extraordinary things. I believe in our right to make our own choices from and decide our own paths. I believe our power comes from within and not from a higher power. Because of this I believe also that we are responsible for all of our actions.
I believe we should follow the universal "Golden Rule : Do unto others" . Or as my friends and I like to say " Don't be an asshole". This also lets me look at a person's behavior and decide if I want to forgive that person. My family are the only ones I love unconditionally. I have no problem cutting someone out of my life. Cross me, and you are dead to me. I give up on lost causes.
I believe many things are sacred. My most sacred objects? My family. My children, G. My home. These are my sacred cows and would sacrifice anything for them. Work. I believe there is power in working. It does not matter the job. It only matters that you work. If you dig ditches, dig the best ditches possible. There is a sacredness to serving your fellow man.
I believe heaven and hell are places of your own creation. Your choices determine where you are at any given point. You are directly responsible for your situation. You are your own salvation
I believe each day I have the opportunity to make the world a better place. I have only this day and no other. When I am dead, it’s the end. If I live on, it’s in the memories of my family and friends. Hopefully they will be able to say I followed my own commandments and made the world a better place while I was here.